====================== CoDrawing Presentation ====================== The concept =========== Drawing together is cool, because: - it increases the value of the drawing. - it helps practicing working in collaboration with others. - it increases his own holistic_ capability. The codrawing methodology relies on Inkscape_ and GitHub_. Inkscape lets import external SVG_ files in the main document. Working with those *dynamically imported images* avoids conflict between drawers. Drawing with many characters and small scenes are well adapted with this methodology. Each character or scene are files and can be made by other drawers. git_ can easily support the versioning of such a project. License ======= CC BY-SA 3.0 .. _holistic : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holistic .. _Inkscape : http://inkscape.org/ .. _GitHUb : https://github.com/ .. _SVG : http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/ .. _git : http://git-scm.com/